Texts (247)

1A Contribution to the Critique of Political EconomyKarl Marx211:1, 1:11, 1:30, 1:31, 1:34, 2:4, 2:6, 2:7, 3:1, 3:3, 3:4, 3:12, 3:13, 3:25, 3:31, 3:33, 3:48, 3:50, 3:59, 3:60, 7:16
2A Critical Dissertation on the Nature, Measures and Causes of Value: chiefly in reference to the writings of Mr. Ricardo and his followers. By the author of Essays on the Formation, &c., of OpinionsSamuel Bailey21:25, 1:36
3A Dictionary, Practical, Theoretical and Historical of Commerce and Commercial NavigationJohn Ramsay McCulloch4:4
4A Discourse Concerning Coining the New Money Lighter. In Answer to Mr. Locke’s Considerations, &c.Nicholas Barbon71:2, 1:3, 1:7, 1:8, 3:38, 3:60, 3:64
5A Discourse of the General Notions of Money, Trade, and Exchanges, as They Stand in Relation each to other. By a MerchantSimon Clement2:9
6A Discourse on the necessity of encouraging Mechanick Industry10:88
7A Journey in the Seaboard Slave StatesFrederick Law Olmsted7:17
8A Letter to Mr. Senior from Mr. HornerLeonard Horner9:10
9A Sketch of the History of the CurrencyJames Maclaren3:5
10A Treatise of Taxes and ContributionsWilliam Petty22:12, 3:31
11A Treatise on Political EconomyGeorge Opdyke5:20
12A discourse concerning trade, and that in particular of the East-Indies wherein several weighty propositions are fully discussed, and the state of the East-India Company is faithfully statedJoshua Child2:9
13Adulterations DetectedArthur Hill Hassall
14Adulterations detected; or, Plain instructions for the discovery of frauds in food and medicineArthur Hill Hassall6:14
15An Enquiry into the Causes of the Present High Price of ProvisionsNathaniel Forster10:89
16An Essay on Credit and the Bankrupt Act3:47
17An Essay on Trade and Commerce, containing Observations on Taxes, &c.810:1, 10:4, 10:89, 10:91, 10:93, 10:94, 10:95, 10:95
18An Essay on the Distribution of Wealth and on the Sources of TaxationSir George Ramsay25:15, 5:23
19An Essay on the External Corn TradeRobert Torrens6:9
20An Essay on the Political Economy of Nations8:1
21An Essay on the Production of Wealth: With an Appendix, in which the Principles of Political Economy are Applied to the Actual Circumstances of this CountryRobert Torrens7:9
22An Essay on the Production of WealthRobert Torrens5:14
23An Essay upon Publick CreditDaniel Defoe3:54
24An Inquiry into the Causes and Modes of the Wealth of Individuals; or the Principles of Trade and Speculation ExplainedThomas Corbet4:4
25An Inquiry into those Principles Respecting the Nature of Demand and the Necessity of Consumption, lately advocated by Mr. Malthus, &c.Samuel Bailey5:16
26An Outline of the Science of Political EconomyNassau W. Senior9:12
27An inquiry into those principles advocated by Mr. Malthus relative to the nature of demand and the necessity of consumptionSamuel Bailey6:12
29Arbeiten der Kaiserlich Russischen Gesandtschaft zu Peking über China3:36
30Bibliotheca HistoricaDiodorus Siculus23:59, 10:9
31British Health Report of 18643:2
32Bury Guardian, 12th May, 186010:78
33Capital, Volume IKarl Marx3:17
34Capital, Volume IIIKarl Marx39:3, 9:9, 10:54
35Children’s Employment Commission, Fifth Report, etc., 186610:66
36Children’s Employment Commission, First Report, etc., 1863710:34, 10:36, 10:37, 10:38, 10:39, 10:41, 10:82
37Children’s Employment Commission, Fourth Report, etc., 18651610:61, 10:62, 10:62, 10:63, 10:64, 10:65, 10:66, 10:66, 10:66, 10:67, 10:68, 10:69, 10:71, 10:71, 10:71, 10:73
38Children’s Employment Commission, III. Report6:14
39Children’s Employment Commission, Third Report, etc., 1864210:60, 10:61
40Chronicon Preciosum, &c.William Fleetwood10:86
41ColonyJames Mill7:18
42Compte Rendu of the International Statistical Congress10:158
43Considerations on Taxes10:89
44Considérations sur le numéraire et le commerceJohn Law2:10
45Cours d'Économie PolitiqueHeinrich Friedrich von Storch26:10, 7:8
46Cours d'économie politique ou exposition des principes qui déterminent la prospérité des nationsHeinrich Friedrich von Storch6:13
47Daily Telegraph, 17th January, 186010:32
48De L'économie Politique Et Morale De L'espèce HumaineJean-Daniel Herrenschwand3:30
49De la falsification des substances sacramentellesPie Marie Rouard de Card10:44
50De l’Intérêt SocialGuillaume-François Le Trosne151:6, 1:10, 2:11, 3:14, 3:23, 3:28, 3:29, 3:63, 5:4, 5:6, 5:7, 5:9, 5:12, 5:18, 8:8
51De rerum NaturaLucretius9:2
53Della MonetaFerdinando Galiani61:28, 2:6, 2:10, 3:9, 4:11, 5:5
54Der Boden und die landwirthschaftlichen Verhältnisse des Preussischen StaatesAugust Meitzen10:11
55Des Systèmes d’Economie PolitiqueCharles Ganilh21:23, 6:12
56Des classes ouvrières en France, pendant l’année 1848Jérôme-Adolphe Blanqui10:96
57Deutsch-Französische JahrbücherArnold Ruge,Karl Marx21:29, 4:5
58Dialogues sur le Commerce et les Travaux des ArtisansFrançois Quesnay3:18
59Dictionnaire Des Alterations Et Falsifications Des Substances Alimentaires, Medicamenteuses Et CommercialesJean-Baptiste-Alphonse Chevallier10:44
60Die Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft und die Umgestaltung der gutsherrlich-bäuerlichen Verhältnisse überhaupt in den Herzogthümern Schleswig und HolsteinGeorg Hanssen10:11
61Die Chemie in ihrer Anwendung auf Agrikultur und PhysiologieJustus von Liebig10:13
62Die Elemente der StaatskunstAdam Müller3:34
63Die Grundlagen der NationaloekonomieWilhelm Georg Friedrich Roscher22:13, 9:6
64Die Grundlagen der Nationalökonomie, Dritte AuflageWilhelm Georg Friedrich Roscher35:9, 8:3, 8:3
65Die Lage der arbeitenden Klasse in EnglandFriedrich Engels410:15, 10:33, 10:56, 10:78
66Die Philosophie Herakleitos des DunkelnFerdinand Lassalle3:16
67Discourses upon TradeSir Dudley North33:30, 3:34, 3:46
68Dissertation sur la nature des richesses, de l’argent et des tributsPierre Le Pesant, sieur de Boisguilbert3:55
69Dit du LenditGuillot de Paris2:1
70Du gouvernement considéré dans ses rapports avec le commerceFrancois Louis August Ferrier1:23
71East India Bullion. Return to the House of Commons3:46
72Economistes Financiers du XVIII siècleEugène Daire2:10
73Einleitung zur Geschichte der Mark, &c. VerfassungGeorg Ludwig von Maurer1:27
74Elements of IdeologyAntoine Destutt de Tracy1:32
75Elements of Political EconomyJames Mill24:13, 7:10
76Elements of Political EconomySamuel Phillips Newman25:10, 8:6
77Elements of the Philosophy of RightGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel21:14, 6:3
78Eléments du CommerceFrançois Véron Duverger de Forbonnais22:11, 2:11
79Encyclopaedia of the Philosophical SciencesGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel27:2, 10:70
80England and AmericaEdward Gibbon Wakefield10:79
81Esprit des LoisMontesquieu22:11, 3:33
82Essays about the Poor, Manufactures, Trade, Plantations, and ImmoralityJohn Bellers23:41, 3:66
83Essays on Some Unsettled Questions of Political EconomyJohn Stuart Mill3:33
84Essays, Moral, Political, and LiteraryDavid Hume3:32
85Factory Reports, Reports on Mines since 184510:15
86Factory act of Sir John HobhouseSir John Hobhouse10:123
87Familiar words as affecting England and the EnglishDavid Urquhart3:10
89First Report, Central Board of the Commission, June 28th 1833
90First Statute of Labourers, 1349
91General Maxims for the Economic Government of an Agricultural KingdomFrançois Quesnay3:18
92General Statutes of Massachusetts, 1836-185810:84
93Geschichte der Fronhöfe, der Bauernhöfe, und der Hofverfassung in DeutschlandGeorg Ludwig von Maurer10:11
94Great Britain’s Commercial Interest explained and improvedMalachy Postlethwayt210:89, 10:90
95Histoire politique et sociale des Principautés DanubiennesElias Regnault10:12
96History of PricesThomas TookeWilliam Newmarch10:147
97History of RomeTheodor Mommsen26:2, 6:6
98History of the Middle and Working ClassesJohn Wade210:31, 10:86
99House of Lords’ Committee3:36
100HudibrasSamuel Butler1:7
101IliadHomer31:24, 1:24, 1:24
102Ilias Americana in nuce10:58
103Inquiry into the Principles of Political EconomySir James Steuart7:1
104Inquiry into the Taxation and Commercial Policy of Great BritainDavid Buchanan3:35
105Journal of a Voyage for the Discovery of a North-West Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific; Performed in the years 1819–'20, in His Majecty's Ships Hecla and GriperWilliam Edward Parry3:2
106Judgment of Mr. J. H. Otway, Belfast. Hilary Sessions, County Antrim, 1860.10:99
107La Théorie de l'Économie Politique, Fondée sur les Faits Résultans des Statistiques de la France Et de l'AngleterreCharles Ganilh7:3
108Le Commerce et le GouvernementÉtienne Bonnot de Condillac5:8
109Letter XXII to EustochiumSaint Jerome3:15
110Letters on the Factory Act, as it Affects the Cotton Manufacture, To which are appended, a letter to Mr Senior from Leonard Horner, and minutes of a conversation between Mr Edmund Ashworth, Mr Thompson and Mr SeniorNassau W. Senior9:12
111Letters on the Factory Act, as it affects the cotton manufactureNassau W. Senior9:10
112LeviathanThomas Hobbes6:5
113Lezioni di commercio o sia d'economia civileAntonio Genovesi4:8
114L’ordre naturel et essentiel des sociétés politiquesPierre-Paul Lemercier de La Rivière de Saint-Médard113:19, 3:20, 3:22, 3:39, 3:39, 4:2, 4:4, 5:2, 5:3, 5:13, 7:13
115Macmillan’s Magazine, August, 186310:58
116Marx and Engels Collected Works1:26a
117Meditazioni sulla Economia PoliticaPietro Verri31:13, 2:8, 3:45
118Money Answers all ThingsJacob Vanderlint63:32, 3:32, 3:40, 3:63, 10:89, 10:93
119Money and its VicissitudesSamuel Bailey1:17
121Morning Star, 23rd June, 186310:58
122Mélanges d'économie politiqueEugène Daire,Gustave de Molinari5:8
123National Distress; Its Causes and RemediesSamuel Laing7:18
124Neue Rheinische Zeitung. Politisch-oekonomische RevueKarl Marx10:131
125Nouveaux principes d'économie politiqueJean Charles Léonard de Sismondi24:14, 6:11
126Observations on Certain Verbal Disputes in Political Economy, Particularly Relating to Value8:2
127Observations on certain verbal disputes in Political Economy, particularly relating to value and to demand and supply21:35, 1:37
128On Political Economy in Connection with the Moral State and Moral Prospects of SocietyThomas Chalmers4:7
129On Rent of Land, and its Influence on Subsistence and PopulationThomas Hopkins9:13
130On the Adulteration of Articles of Food (1855-56)House of Commons Committee
131On the Principles of Political Economy and TaxationDavid Ricardo31:32, 6:1, 9:13
132On the Regulation of Currencies, being an examination of the principles on which it is proposed to restrict the future issues on credit of the Bank of EnglandJohn Fullarton33:37, 3:56, 3:62
133Outlines of Political EconomyJohn Cazenove7:19
134Over-population and its RemedyWilliam Thomas Thornton26:7, 10:80
135Petition to the Queen from the Clergy of Ashton and vicinity, 184910:129
136Philosophie des ManufacturesDr. Andrew Ure10:157
137PhysiocratesEugène Daire31:6, 3:18, 3:19
138Political Anatomy of Ireland, Verbum SapientiWilliam Petty10:87
139Political Anatomy of IrelandWilliam Petty33:58, 3:66, 6:8
140Political Arithmetic: Containing Observations on the Present State of Great Britain and the Principles of Her Policy in the Encouragement of AgricultureArthur Young23:31, 9:13
141Political EconomyJohn Broadhurst1:21
142PoliticsAristotle32:3, 4:6, 5:22
143Positions to be examined concerning National WealthBenjamin Franklin5:21
144Principles of Political Economy - MillJohn Stuart Mill3:33
145Principles of Political Economy Considered with a View to their ApplicationsThomas Robert Malthus9:1
146Proposals for Raising a College of IndustryJohn Bellers3:50
147Public Health, Reports of the Medical Officer of the Prixy Council, 3rd Report, 186010:35
148Public Health, Reports of the Medical Officer of the Prixy Council, 6th Report, 186310:80
149Quantulumcunque concerning money: To the Lord Marquis of HalifaxWilliam Petty33:13, 3:13, 3:66
150Report Relative to the Grievances Complained of by the Journey-men Bakers, 1862Hugh Seymour Tremenheere76:14, 6:14, 10:45, 10:46, 10:47, 10:49, 10:51
151Report of Committee on the Baking Trade in Ireland for 1861210:52, 10:53
152Report of the committee of 1855 on the adulteration of bread6:14
153Reports of Inspectors of Factories for the Half Year Ending 30th April, 186110:21
154Reports of Inspectors of Factories for the Half Year Ending 31st October, 186310:21
155Reports of Inspectors of Factories for the Half Year Ending October, 185610:17
156Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1848210:114, 10:119
157Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1849710:120, 10:121, 10:122, 10:124, 10:125, 10:127, 10:129
158Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1850210:132, 10:163
159Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 185210:134
160Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 18559:11
161Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1858310:18, 10:19, 10:20
162Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1860410:29, 10:78, 10:101, 10:142
163Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th April, 1863210:149, 10:163
164Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 30th September, 1844510:105, 10:107, 10:135, 10:136, 10:137
165Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st December, 1841Leonard Horner10:98
166Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 184610:138
167Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1848139:11, 10:103, 10:108, 10:109, 10:110, 10:111, 10:112, 10:113, 10:115, 10:116, 10:128, 10:129, 10:162
168Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1849210:102, 10:126
169Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 185010:117
170Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1855210:78, 10:78
171Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1856710:23, 10:24, 10:25, 10:26, 10:27, 10:28, 10:96
172Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 185710:144
173Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1859610:104, 10:165, 10:165, 10:166, 10:166, 10:166
174Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 186010:22
175Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1861310:139, 10:140, 10:159
176Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1862910:21, 10:145, 10:148, 10:148, 10:149, 10:149, 10:149, 10:151, 10:160
177Reports of Inspectors of Factories, 31st October, 1864310:152, 10:154, 10:163
178Reports of the Children’s Employment Commission, 1863-186710:15
179Reports of the Inspectors of Factories for 31st Oct., 18536:14
180Reports on Bank Acts - MillJohn Stuart Mill3:46
181Resolution of the Working Men of Dunkirk10:161
182Revised Statutes of the State of Rhode Island, 1st July, 185710:84
183Reynolds’ Newspaper, February, 186610:55
184Reynolds’ Newspaper, January, 186610:55
185Richesse ou pauvreté - Exposition des causes et des effets de la distribution actuelle des richesses socialesAntoine-Elisée Cherbuliez37:8, 7:10, 7:10
186Règlement Organique
187Réflexions sur la Formation et la Distribution des RichessesAnne Robert Jacques Turgot7:4
188Saggio sopra il giusto pregio delle coseGiovanni Francesco Pagnini2:11
189Science of LogicGeorg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel21:22, 2:11
190Scrittori Classici Italiani Di Economia Politica, Parte ModernaBarone Custodi61:13, 1:28, 2:6, 2:11, 4:8, 5:5
191Second Report Relative to the Grievances Complained of by the Journey-men Bakers, 186310:45
192Sixth Report on Public Health by The Medical Officer of the Privy Council, &c., 18646:14
193Social Science Review, 18th July, 186310:57
194Some Considerations of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and the Raising the Value of MoneyJohn Locke22:10, 3:33
195Some Considerations on the Consequences of the Lowering of InterestJohn Locke1:4
196Some Thoughts on the Interest of Money in General, and Particularly in the Publick Funds, &c.21:9, 1:16
197Sophisms of Free TradeJohn Barnard Byles210:85, 10:85
198Speech in the House of Commons, 27th April, 1863William Busfeild Ferrand210:76, 10:77
199State of New Jersey. An Act to limit the hours of labour, 18th March, 185110:84
200Statute of Artificers, 1562
201Suggestions for Amending the Factory ActsLeonard Horner210:16, 10:143
202The Borough of Stoke-upon-TrentJohn Ward10:75
203The Case of our English Wool., &c.George Clarke10:50
204The Cock and the Fox, or the Tale of the Nun’s PriestJohn Dryden10:22
205The Currency Theory Reviewed; in a Letter to the Scottish People3:52
206The DeipnosophistsAthenaeus3:44
207The East-India Trade a Most Profitable TradeThomas Papillon2:9
208The Elements of Political EconomyFrancis Wayland25:19, 8:7
209The English Ten Hours’ BillFriedrich Engels210:131, 10:164
210The English works of Thomas Hobbes of MalmesburyWilliam Molesworth6:5
211The Essential Principles of the Wealth of Nations: Illustrated, in Opposition to Some False Doctrines of Dr. Adam Smith, and OthersJohn Gray5:11
212The Factory Question and the Ten Hours’ BillRobert Hyde Greg10:130
213The History of BakingGeorge Read210:48, 10:50
214The History of England from the Accession of James the SecondThomas Babington Macaulay10:88
215The History of RomeBarthold Georg Niebuhr10:8
216The Literature of Political Economy, a classified catalogueJohn Ramsay McCulloch3:60
217The Observer3:51
218The Poverty of PhilosophyKarl Marx21:26, 1:34
219The Principles of Political Economy, with a sketch of the rise and progress of the scienceJohn Ramsay McCulloch4:9
220The Seven Sources of HealthDr. William Strange10:62
221The Slave PowerJohn Elliott Cairnes27:17, 10:74
222The Standard, 15th August, 186310:58
223The State of the PoorSir Frederick Morton Eden10:31
224The Theory and Practice of BankingHenry Dunning Macleod4:13
225The Theory of Exchanges. The Bank Charter Act of 1844Henry Roy3:51
226The Times of London, 24th March, 186310:146
227The Times of London, 26th November 18628:5
228The Times of London, 2nd July, 186310:58
229The Times of London, 5th November, 186110:81
230The works of B. Franklin, &c.Benjamin Franklin1:18
231Théorie des Lois Civiles, ou, Principes fondamentaux de la sociétéSimon-Nicholas Henri Linguet10:5
232Thoughts and Details on Scarcity, originally presented to the Right Hon. W. Pitt, in the month of November 1795Edmund Burke28:4, 10:7
233Timon of AthensWilliam Shakespeare3:43a
234To pastors, that they should preach against usuryMartin Luther7:15
235Traité de la Circulation et du CréditIsaac De Pinto4:4
236Traité d’Economie PolitiqueAntoine Destutt de Tracy35:1, 5:1, 5:17
237Traité d’Economie PolitiqueJean-Baptiste Say34:12, 5:18, 5:18
238Traité théorique et pratique des entreprises industriellesJean Gustave Courcelle-Seneuil10:3
239Twenty-Second Annual Reports of the Registrar-General, 186110:81
240Umrisse zu einer Kritik der NationalökonomieFriedrich Engels31:29, 4:5, 5:20
241Universal Dictionary of Trade and CommerceMalachy Postlethwayt10:89
242Wages of Labourers, etc. Act, 1496
243Wealth of NationsAdam Smith21:16, 3:31
244Westminster Review1:25
245Work and Over-workBenjamin Ward Richardson210:57, 10:59
246Workman’s Advocate, January 13th, 186610:54
247Works, Political, Metaphysical and Chronological, of the late Sir James Steuart of ColtnessSir James Steuart4:3